Life at Geneva-新濠天地app

Life at Geneva

Our vision of student engagement, well-being, and persistence, 当你追求你的学术学科时,你是否在努力确保转型成长.

College is an exciting adventure!

改革宗基督教信仰与你的学习之旅的融合包含了广泛的校园经历. 你将与一个挑战你思考你的信仰如何影响你的学习的社区分享这种经历, community, culture, and life. 新濠天地app的校园计划和服务鼓励你扩展你的思维,同时形成忠实的基督徒回应你周围的世界.

A Message from The Dean

新濠天地app很高兴你在调查新濠天地app新濠天地app的情况. Change during the college years is going to happen. 新濠天地app的团队不仅致力于在这些变化中支持学生, 但新濠天地app也孜孜不倦地工作,希望看到新濠天地app经验带来的转型增长. 

这一目的建立在新濠天地app的基本信念之上,即新濠天地app的工作为学生在课堂外追求自己的学科时提供了一种转型的体验. With vigor and creativity, 新濠天地app的工作人员整合了改革宗基督教信仰的深刻真理,提供帮助学生坚持毕业的课程和服务.

We pray for our students often, 很多时候,这些祷告都呼应了使徒保罗对罗马人说的话——他们会成功的  transformed by  the renewal of their minds, that through testing they may 什么是神的旨意,什么是良善的,可喜悦的,完全的(12:2).

Enjoy your Geneva experience!

Jamie Swank
Dean of Students and V.P. of Student Development

Student Life Director Team

30+ Clubs and Organizations


1290+ Undergraduate Students


NCAA Division III Athletics


Dining On Campus

Explore the options below to learn more:


The Brigadoon (Brig)

The Brigadoon (Brig)

发现便利和舒适的终极融合在旅, affectionately called "The Brig". 布里格提供了一个快速和美味的食物选择阵列,完美的您繁忙的日程安排. 全天开放,布里格是夜宵或学习时轻松用餐的理想场所. The Riverview Café, located within The Brig, proudly brews Starbucks Coffee, making it a favorite hangout for coffee lovers. 无论你是在寻找一个安静的学习场所还是一个与朋友放松的地方, 布里格提供了一个温馨的氛围,以满足您的需求.

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Alexander Dining Hall

Alexander Dining Hall

Experience a culinary adventure at Alexander Dining Hall, the heart of Geneva College's dining options. 自助式的设置可以让你探索各种选择,如哈瓦那烧烤与自助墨西哥卷饼和玉米饼, 功能齐全的沙拉吧和精心准备的主菜. 亚历克斯餐厅提供各种食物,从自制潜艇和烤鸡到新鲜的烤箱烤披萨和令人垂涎的烟熏肉. 有这么多食物敏感者的选择和住宿, 亚历克斯餐厅确保你总能找到满足你饮食需求的完美餐点.

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Things to Do at Geneva

位于宾夕法尼亚州西部匹兹堡市附近, 新濠天地app提供了一个风景如画的社区,方便前往许多当地城镇, city amenities and resources.


On Campus Activities

On Campus

Off Campus

Off Campus

Clubs & Organization

Clubs & Orgs

Celebrating the full spectrum of the Kingdom of God

作为神的国度的反映,这个国度是由每个部落的人组成的, nation and tongue, 新濠天地app寻求培养一个温馨的环境,重视每个学生带来的不同观点.

Traditions and Activities

Choose from a variety of events and activities

Photo showing My Generation Night

My Generation Night

Students gather in Metheny Fieldhouse to show their talent. Rock-n-Roll, R&B, Pop, Indie...and lots of screaming fans.

Photo showing Film Fest

Film Fest

Comedy, Horror, Action, Romance? Yup. Come watch student films and give out prizes.

Photo showing Midnight Madness

Midnight Madness

Kicking off the basketball season, 新濠天地app举办了化妆舞会(包括红毯),有奖品,还有一场热闹的师生篮球赛.

Photo showing Café Courtyard

Café Courtyard

Coffee, Live Jazz, and good friends all around the table.

Photo showing Canvas on Campus

Canvas on Campus

Painting, Relaxing Music, and food. Definitely makes for a good quiet evening.

Community Partners


Neighborhood North
Trails Ministries
Tiger Pause of Beaver Falls
Serve 901
City House
Geneva College - Master of Arts in Higher Education

我喜欢新濠天地app创造的一种环境,它试图在信仰和学习的融合方面最大限度地发挥学生的作用. 我在校园里经历的一切都让我在信仰上成长,也让我明白了社区的意义.”

Made To Connect

Upcoming Events

Aug 30
Academic Convocation August 30 , 10:10 a.m. Metheny Fieldhouse
Aug 30
Café Courtyard August 30 , 8 p.m.
Aug 31
Cookout and Movie on the Lawn August 31 , 8 p.m.
Sep 04
Wellness Wednesday: Petting Zoo September 4 , 3 p.m. Old Main Lawn
Sep 06
Cokes and Connections September 6 , 10 a.m.
Sep 06
Beaver Falls Football Game September 6 , 7 p.m.
Sep 07
Explore Trip: Heinz History Center September 7 , 2 p.m.

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